Volunteer of the Month – Beth!

Beth is an Occupational Therapy Assistant at United Cerebral Palsy of Greater Cleveland. In her free time, she loves to garden, cook, and read. Her journey with GiGi’s Playhouse began when her son, Philip, started attending programs at the Playhouse. Seeing the positive impact it had on him, she decided to get more involved. Beth has been a dedicated part of the GiGi’s community for quite some time now, leading our Games With Friends program and occasionally helping with Fantastic Friends!

When our beloved friend Brian Daw passed away, someone was needed to continue the Games With Friends program and carry the legacy Brian created through the program. Beth felt a strong pull to step in and keep the spirit of this program alive. Volunteering at GiGi’s Playhouse is not just an obligation for her; it’s a joy. Beth shares that the community and the atmosphere are always fun and welcoming. Since she works professionally with children, she especially enjoys spending time with the adults at GiGi’s. It’s a refreshing change and allows her to connect with a different age group in meaningful ways.

Beth shares that GiGi’s Playhouse is a wonderful place, not only for the families involved; but also for all of Lakewood. “We are so fortunate to have such a fantastic resource just a mile from our house. The impact on the community is profound, offering a space where everyone can find support and joy. Philip truly feels that GiGi’s is his special place. Every time we drive down Detroit Avenue, he excitedly mentions his next planned activity at GiGi’s.” It’s heartwarming for Beth to see how much he loves being part of this community. He has even come to tolerate his mom hanging around… sometimes!

For those considering volunteering at GiGi’s, Beth assures that Mary, Lizz, and the other volunteers make the experience incredibly easy and rewarding. The support system is fantastic, and volunteers always feel appreciated and valued. To any new family curious about GiGi’s Playhouse, Beth emphasizes that every family finds a warm welcome there. “With so many different programs available, everyone is sure to find something to enjoy. GiGi’s Playhouse is a place of acceptance, growth, and endless possibilities for everyone involved.”

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