Meet Dancing with Adriana

“Dancing with Adriana” at the 2022 GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge

Team Captain Lily Torres’ team for our GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge is “Dancing with Adriana” in honor of her daughter. As Lily says “Adriana came to my life to change the set of mind I was in. She helped me become a patient person in many ways.”

Lily & Adriana have been consistent participants at GiGi’s Playhouse Atlanta. Their favorite programs are Bloom in Music, LMNOP, and Crawlers & Walkers. Lily says these programs “help Adriana be better at what she does and at accomplishing bigger things.” They support GiGi’s in gratitude for all the free therapies available to individuals of all ages with Down syndrome.

By forming her team and sharing the mission of GiGi’s Playhouse, Lily is inspiring others and paying forward the gift she was given by fellow GiGi’s mom, Julianna. Said Lily, she was “Thankful with putting Julianna in my path because before her, I was scared for this new step in life, but she showed me a lot about GiGi’s and [how to] become a stronger mother for the strong daughter I have.” You never know who is watching and who will learn and grow from your own experiences. We are so grateful to these amazing moms for sharing their love of GiGi’s and spreading the message of acceptance and inclusion!

Have you created your team yet?

Lily & Adriana at the 2022 GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge

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