Living Generation G! Meet Thomas

Thomas and Samuel in the ball pit! Sam’s favorite spot!

Meet Thomas P., age 8 years old, GiGi’s Playhouse Annapolis’ youngest donor, and one who is living out loud, Generation G!

His Mom shared that early this summer, Thomas received a new piggy bank that included sections to put money in to “spend,” “save” and “share.”  Over the summer, Thomas helped doing small jobs around the house, such as feeding the dog or emptying the dishwasher.  His birthday was in August and he put some of the money he received for his birthday towards his “share” collection.  After explaining to him how we can help others by donating, we asked Thomas how he would like to use the money that he put in “share.”  Without even thinking about it, he said “GiGi’s –  so it can help Samuel”.  Thomas and Samuel have always shared a close and special bond.  Thomas is patient, loving and always wants to know how Samuel’s therapy sessions went while he was at school. Thomas set a goal to “share” $50 with GiGi’s.  At the end of the summer, he was so excited to bring in his donation to Judy and GiGi’s Playhouse.  When we asked Thomas why he wanted to donate to GiGi’s Playhouse he said “GiGi’s teaches Samuel sign language and he loves the ball pit.”

What a way to start my day at the Playhouse, Thomas arrived one morning with his hand shyly out stretched… in his grip was a check. Encouraged by his Mother Katie to explain what he was giving GiGi’s Playhouse, Thomas shyly smiled and whispered; “Here’s a donation.” It’s not surprising in some ways that Thomas is such a generous young man, his parents and grandparents regularly donate and deliver gifts in-kind like educational toys, much needed water and paper goods to the Playhouse. What a wonderful GiGi’s family making the world a better place for all.

Thank you to Thomas for your heartfelt donation of $56.66. This is Generation G in action! Be Accepting. Be Generous. Be Kind. You are all that and more. Our hearts are bursting with joy from your generosity and kindness Thomas. Generation G – Live it out loud!

Join us in making the #GenerationG Promise during #downsyndromeawarenessmonth! We need a global message of Acceptance, Generosity and Kindness for everyone and we need it now!

Please take the Generation G pledge here! Help us be One million voices!

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