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S3 E15: A Little Something Extra with Kim and Jen

Kim and Jen, Co-Founders of the new dating platform for adults with Autism, join the show! The…

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A Little Something Extra is coming!

A Little Something Extra, with Nancy Gianni and The GiGi —the FIRST video podcast co-hosted by an individual with Down syndrome! From A-list actors to athletes to everyday people, we’ll have something for everyone! Most important, we’ll celebrate each guests’ “something extra,” which is the piece of you that truly makes you who you are.

A Little Something Extra is hosted by GiGi Gianni, the namesake of GiGi’s Playhouse Down Syndrome Achievement Centers, her brother Franco and her mom, Nancy. With 59 GiGi’s Playhouse locations across the country and Mexico they spread a global message of acceptance for all. GiGi’s offers free programs and celebrates everybody's Little Something Extra! This podcast invites others to share their Little Something Extra in hopes of inspiring people to find theirs!!

We all have a little something extra inside of us, and sometimes we don’t even know it’s there! Through A Little Something Extra we want to hear about the forces in people’s lives that drive their passion in hopes that others will be able to find theirs! We’ll get to get to the heart of what makes our guests so inspiring – their superpower – even if they do not feel it within themselves!

Every episode of A Little Something Extra will feature guests, who have accomplished the impossible and have changed the world! Be prepared to find yourself motivated with every installment from a wide range of guests.

Our hope is that we will empower, uplift and motivate our audience with each episode. Our goal is to have viewers and listeners join us in the mission of spreading global acceptance for all!

A Little Something Extra with Nancy Gianni and The GiGi is now in it's second season.

Behind-the-scenes of A Little Something Extra!