2nd Annual “Get Moving With GiGi’s” Walk

Walk 3
We will be holding our annual “Get Moving with GiGi’s” Walk on Sunday, September 20, 2015 at Central Park (15601 Central Avenue) in Oak Forest. On-site registration will be held from 11:30am-12:30pm. There will be a Kids Dash at 12:30pm and the 1 mile walk begins at 1:15pm. Participants are encouraged to bring a picnic lunch. There will also be a jumpy house, face painting, and a Fire Department visit for the kids as well as a DJ to provide music throughout the afternoon.

Registration is currently in progress online at https://gigisplayhouse.donorpages.com/Walk2015TinleyPark/ and will be accepted through the day of the walk.

Walk fees are as follows:

$10 for individuals with Down Syndrome
$15 for kids (ages 12 and under)
$25 for adults (13 and older)

The deadline for t-shirts has already passed, but prospective participants are encouraged to create a team, join an existing team, or register as an individual.

Funds raised by this walk will help to provide educational and therapeutic programs free-of-charge to individuals with Down syndrome and their families who live in the south suburbs of Chicago.

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